Academic Tutoring
HD Tutoring
During this study sessions,
Understand the weeks distribution of all knowledge points, complexity, interestingness, assessment methods and weights for the units you will learn in every Week 1.
Weekly review lectures and theories in class and solve your all questions raised.
Deeply support you find the best way to understand and remember the unit contents in class from Week 1-12/13.
Friendly help you solve all assessments (quizs, case studies and more) in every semester with HD answering skills.
Final review all knowledge points and forecast the examing theories, make you a good preparation for the final boost.
Assignment Assist
During this study sessions,
1v1 review theories in class and help timely solve your all assignments raised after class.
Deeply 1v1 diagnose your weakness and support you find the best way to improve and remember the unit contents in class from Week 1-12/13.
Friendly 1v1 help you solve all assessments (quizs, case studies and more) in every semester with HD answering skills.
1v1 analyse real past exam papers with all knowledge points and forecast the examing theories, make you a good preparation for the final boost.
Exam Boost
During this study sessions,
Deeply support you find the best way to improve and remember the unit contents in class from Week 1-12/13.
Final review all theories and analyse easy to wrong & easy to lose knowledge points.
Friendly help you solve all assessments (quizs, case studies and more) in every semester with HD answering skills.
Diagnose and analyse real past exam papers with all knowledge points and classical case studies & questions during a semester.
Final review and highlight all knowledge points and forecast the examing theories, make you a good preparation for the final boost.
1v1 Improvement
This is 1v1 VIP customised study sessions,
1v1 customised on your majors and units preference from business, science, IT, engineering, BA, media and so on.
1v1 customised on your tutoring contents preference from examing theories, knowledge points, assessments, real past exam papers practices to exclusive HD answering skills.
1v1 customised on your tutors preference from HD units, honours / research / PhD, official tutoring assistants, scholarship holders, professional members to experienced persons, etc.
1v1 customised on your time and time zone preference from daylight to night and from weekdays to weekends.
1v1 customised on your class preference, all study sessions above could be delivered in single or packaged services.
UNSWKensington Campus | Monash UniversityClayton / Caufield Campus | UMELParkville Campus |
UWACrawley Campus | UTSHaymarket Campus |
Tutoring Team
The University of
New South Wales
PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering
(Full Scholarship)
Bachelor of Engineering
(Civil Engineering)
(Honours Class I)
GPA: 3.86/4 WAM: 85+
Australia’s Global University Award PUCA1026 2020
International Postgraduate Award 2021
The University of Sydney
Master of Commerce
GPA: 3.93/4 WAM: 90+
International Achievement Scholarship 2018
International Achievement Scholarship 2019
Lifetime Member of Beta Gamma Sigma accredited by AACSB International
Deakin University
PhD in Management Accounting
(Full Scholarship)
Monash University
Bachelor of Commerce
(Accounting and Business Statistics)
(Honours Class I)
GPA: 3.7/4 WAM: 82+
Monash Student Excellence Award 2017, 2018
Monash Jubilee Honours Scholarship 2018
Monash University
PhD in Information Technology
(Full Scholarship)
Master of Information Technology
GPA: 3.69/4 WAM: 82+
FIT5042 TOP Mark Award
Faculty of Information Technology Research Scholarship 2020
International Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2020
Monash University
Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Commerce
GPA: 3.88/4 WAM: 85+
ACC1100 TOP Mark Award
Monash Scholarship for Academic Excellence 2019
Monash Scholarship for Academic Excellence 2020
Monash University
Bachelor of Finance
GPA: 3.78/4 WAM: 83+
ECF2721 TOP Mark Award
Monash Scholarship for Academic Excellence 2020
Official Peer Mentor
The University of Queensland
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance)
GPA: 7/7 Top 1%
Dean's Commendation for Academic Excellence 2019, 2020, 2021
CFA Level I Top 10%
The University of Western Australia
Master of Applied Finance
GPA: 7/7 WAM: 90+
CFA Level II Top 10%
CFA Level I Top 10%
Official Peer Mentor
The University of Western Australia
Master of Applied Finance
GPA: 7/7 WAM: 88+
Member of Financial Planning Association of Australia
Official Peer Mentor
Renee ZHOU
The University of Western Australia
Bachelor of Commerce
GPA: 6.8/7 WAM: 87+
International Achievement Scholarship 2019, 2020
Ernst & Young Guangzhou, Assurance and Audit Department Intern
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
他們是什麼 說
-韓國皇家墨爾本理工大學(RMIT University)彼得·金(Peter KIM)
負責我的是中文留學顧問茉莉花。 她先是幫我分析了研究生可以選的專業和各自的學校,然後逐條列舉了我自己需要準備的各項申請材料。我平時有點粗枝大葉, 經常忘記一些事情的最後期限,她都會不厭其煩的提醒我。平時我有一些關於申請學校的疑問發電子郵件,也都很快就能得到答复。2015年年初我成功地拿到了墨爾本大學的入學通知書。正好借這個機會感謝一下負責我的留學顧問和靠譜的中介JMISSC。
很感謝有JMISSC專業的諮商服務讓我對陌生的澳洲有了初步的認識,他們對學校及環境的全盤了解幫助我做出最適合我的決定,而不是將他們的想法強加諸在我身上,即便是從我一開始不了解澳洲學校制度體系,到選擇學校,科系還有幫助我申請手續,什麼疑難雜症通通難不倒他們,尤其是國際學生最頭痛的簽證和移民相關知識,只要問他們就對了! 他們是一個值得你信任的好朋友,在一片茫然中,幸好有JMISSC給我方向去前進,讓我知道我付出的努力跟投資會有相同的回饋,真心推薦他們誠懇專業的服務精神。