Universities Australia's Policy Principles
University Participation & Quality - Universities Australia[if lte IE 7]> <link href="/UserUploadedStyles/ua.ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]StartFragment
Increasing participation in higher education is necessary to ensure that Australia’s future skills needs are met, national productivity improves, and a high-income economy is sustained.
The opportunity to complete a university qualification by Australian citizens is not restricted by the capacity to pay, socio-economic background, location, ethnicity, sex, disability or religion.
Australian universities foster social responsibility and an open, fair, tolerant and cohesive society.
Australian universities support mutually beneficial partnerships with business, the professions and the community to build social capital and community cohesion and well-being.
Australian universities provide flexible options for learning, eliminating participation barriers for students who have work, family or other commitments and who live in regional and remote areas.
Academic quality and standards are best maintained by academic experts, and external peer review is an appropriate method for assuring the public that appropriate standards are maintained. EndFragment