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Discover China Scholarships - Universities Australia[if lte IE 7]> <link href="/UserUploadedStyles/ua.ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]


Discover China Scholarships


The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has provided Universities Australia with up to 100 scholarships of $2,500 each to support outbound semester exchanges of Australian students at Undergraduate or Postgraduate Level to China. Australian students are only ineligible for this funding if they have been allocated funding under a previous DEEWR Mobility program, and as such, universities may use this funding in concert with existing university exchange funding mechanisms. The Discover China Scholarships are a significant Government contribution to outbound student mobility to China, which is a key aspect of the ongoing education engagement between Australia and China.

Funding allocation

All funding must go into supporting Australia-China exchange linkages, and the normal reciprocal arrangements that govern present exchange agreements still apply. This funding is intended to supplement and enhance current exchange linkages.

Automatic Allocation

  • Every Australian university will be automatically allocated two scholarships each (a total of 78 scholarships). Universities must apply for this funding (a maximum amount of $5,000) directly to Universities Australia.

  • Universities must submit in writing (email is preferred) to Universities Australia an invoice stating the scholarship name (Discover China Scholarships) and provide the student name and details of who the scholarship will be used to support (noting it may be used in any semester in 2011 or 2012).

  • Any unused scholarships after 31 March 2012 from this automatic allocation of 78 scholarships will be pooled and can be allocated to any university who can provide evidence that they will be able to use these scholarships prior to the end of the 2012 academic year. These `pooled' scholarships will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Interested universities are to invoice Universities Australia between 20 July 2011 and 30 March 2012. This invoice must include the student recipient details and intended location and length of study. Universities who do not intend to use this funding are encouraged to notify Universities Australia so that these scholarships can be distributed among other Australian universities.

Universities Australia Lottery

There were 22 remaining scholarships available at a combined value of $55,000. As there was no equitable way to further distribute these scholarships, Universities Australia has used a simple Lottery System to distribute the remaining scholarships. Under this system universities have received up to one further scholarship. Universities were notified of this extra scholarship after the lottery in August 2011. Any unused funds from this second allocation of 22 scholarships by 31 March 2012 will also be pooled and can be allocated to any university who can provide evidence that they will be able to use these scholarships prior to 30 June 2012. These 'pooled' scholarships will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. A final reconciliation of all funding used and who the recipients were needs to be submitted to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations by 30 June 2012 with any unused funding reimbursed to the Commonwealth.

Additional pooled scholarships (post 31 March 2012)

All allocated scholarships, including those from the Lottery that are unused or where Universities Australia has not received an invoice will be forfeited, unconditionally, as of 30 March 2012. Universities will be notified by Universities Australia as to the remaining scholarships and universities are to submit applications from April 1 2012 for unused scholarship allocations and these will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis on their merit. Successful applications can be invoiced on receipt of confirmation by Universities Australia. Universities must reconcile this funding at the time of receiving the funds. Universities Australia will write to all university international directors prior to the deadline for each of the below key dates to remind Australian universities of the particular action required in order to secure the available scholarships.


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