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Transport concessions for international students

Transport concessions for international students - Universities Australia[if lte IE 7]> <link href="/UserUploadedStyles/ua.ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]


A key issue identified in the Universities Australia ten point action plan on student safety was the absence of suitable transport concessions provided to international students, particularly in New South Wales and Victoria. Both State Governments have remained strongly opposed to issuing such concessions, even in the face of the recent public debate on international student safety.

This paper:

  • examines the arguments surrounding the issue of travel concessions for international students

  • identifies the costs and benefits of implementing transport concessions for those students in NSW and Victoria (including estimated cost to state government revenue)

  • recommends the best way forward on this issue.

It is concluded that given the spate of attacks on international students and the attendant public debate and diplomatic difficulties, not to say the consequences for the affected individuals, action on travel concessions for international students will send a clear message that the responsible governments in Australia wish to do all they can to welcome and support such students in an equitable way.

Universities Australia strongly believes and recommends that government travel concessions for full-time students should be extended to international undergraduates and to both domestic and international postgraduate students on a nationally consistent basis.


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