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International Cooperation

International Cooperation - Universities Australia[if lte IE 7]> <link href="/UserUploadedStyles/ua.ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]


Universities Australia plays an important role in promoting international cooperation and engagement through the establishment of new relationships and the strengthening of existing ties with our overseas counterparts. This includes the facilitation and delivery of scholarships from foreign governments or bodies to Australian universities and their students.

Australia’s universities have strong international expertise, reputations and ties, which means that Australia is well placed to reap the benefits of an increasingly globalised higher education sector. Universities Australia conducts a stocktake of the sectors' international links biennially. This data set demonstrates the strength and reach of the sectors' engagement.

Australian universities are involved in a wide range of international activities with the support of Universities Australia. The number and scope of such involvements are increasing rapidly as the importance of activities crossing national boundaries is more widely recognised both within Australia and in the large number of countries with which Australia has dealings.

Universities Australia has negotiated a range a agreements with foreign Governments and peak bodies throughout the world to facilitate student and staff mobility and research collaboration.


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